Flight Crew
To maintain proficiency and skill, each pilot is trained under stringent FAA Airline Transport Pilot standards. All JET ICU pilots are required to undergo full motion simulation training twice per year, FAA checkrides, and maintain First Class Medical Certificates.
Simulation training is done through FlightSafety International® which offers industry leading training on Bombardier Learjet series aircraft. The highly qualified and experienced instructors, advanced technology flight simulators, and integrated training systems offered by FlightSafety International® provide our pilots with the highest essential knowledge and training.
Initial Aviation Training
- Duties and Responsibilities
- Federal Aviation Regulations and NTSB Training
- Operations Manual, Operating Certificate
- Operations Specifications
- Company Flight Control Procedures
- Weight and Balance Procedures
- Aircraft Performance and Airport Analysis
- Meteorology
- Navigation
- Air Traffic Control Procedures
- Enroute and terminal Area Charting and Flight Planning
- Concepts of Instrument Procedures
- Emergency Training
- Crew Coordination and Company Communications
- Aircraft Fires
- First Aid Equipment
- Illness, Injury, and Basic First Aid
- Ground Evacuation
- Rapid Decompression
- Hijacking and Other Unusual Situations
- Hand Held Fire Extinguishers
- Emergency Exits
- Aviation Terminology
- Aircraft Overview and Medical Systems
- Patient Handling
- Flight Crew Functions and Responsibilities
- Air Ambulance Emergency Procedures
- Aircraft Cleaning and Infection Control
- International Operations
- Oceanic Operations
- Long Range Navigation and Communication
- RVSM airspace
- TSA Security Training
- Crew Resource Management (CRM)
- Competency Checks
- Instrument Proficiency Checks
- Line Checks
Recurrent Aviation Training
- Company Procedures
- Emergency Procedures
- International Procedures
- Crew Resource Management (CRM)
- Security
Medical Staff
JET ICU is an industry leader in its approach to training and education. With the use of state-of-the-art patient simulator labs, our full time medical crews practice real-time scenarios using the most current evidence-based medical guidelines. Additionally, disaster preparation through education and instruction are integral in our emphasized curriculum. JET ICU prides itself on providing world class medical education and care both on the ground and in the air.
Initial Medical Training
- Advanced Airway Management
- Altitude Physiology
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Pharmacology
- Adult and Pediatric Assessment
- Metabolic-Endocrine Emergencies
- Adult Trauma
- Environmental Emergencies
- Oxygen Therapy
- Pediatric Medical Emergencies
- Pediatric Trauma
- Burn Emergencies
- Respiratory Emergencies
- Stress Management
- Survival Training
- Equipment Education
- Tracheal Intubation
- Mechanical Ventilation Training
- Airway Management
- Adult and Pediatric Critical Care
Continuing Medical Education
Annual training includes airway management, HAZMAT, survival training, infection control, flight safety, Critical care for adult and pediatric patients, emergency/trauma care, and crew resource management.
Maintenance Staff
The JET ICU maintenance department manages a wide range of mechanical affairs. Our highly skilled and certified mechanics provide year round, twenty-four hour coverage, keeping our fleet flying efficiently and safely.
Initial and Annual Maintenance Training and Education
- Mission Statement, Scope of Care, State and Local regulations.
- Aircraft Safety
- briefing
- safety equipment, life vests, rafts, fire axe, O2 masks
- exits-door operation
- no smoking
- refueling with/without patient onboard
- fire extinguisher location
- electronic devices prohibited
- sterile cockpit
- baggage storage/limitations
- loading/unloading patients/passengers
- hearing protection
- crew resource management
- Ambassador for the company
- Rules, Regulations, and Emergency Procedures
- Infectious Disease and Control
- Aircraft cleaning
- Uniform & personal safety equipment- hearing protection, spill precautions and MSDS
- Spill prevention plan and implementation of plan
- Altitude Physiology / Cabin Altitude Guidelines
- Hazmat and fuel handling
- Stress Recognition and Management / Crew Resource Management / Human factors
- Back ground/licensure check info and
- Mechanic specific equipment usage and storage
- Introduction and review of STC for aircraft stretcher loading and unloading as well and oxygen handling and filling
Operations and Communications Staff
Each staff member of JET ICU is required to undergo advanced emergency medical dispatch training and continuing education in order to constantly sharpen their skills in communication and dispatching of flights. Emergency medical dispatch training helps our Operations and Communications staff to:
- Improve the quality of service and care throughout each flight
- Collect essential information to assist in facilitating the ease of transport
- Assign needed resources during each flight
- Maintain effective communication with both the flight crew and medical crew at all times